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Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)

Kursy dają podstawową wiedzę na temat budowy sieci komputerowych.

CCNAv7: Introduction to Networks (ITN) 

CCNAv7: Switching, Routing, and Wireless Essentials (SRWE)

CCNAv7: Enterprise Networking, Security, and Automation (ENSA) 




CCNAv7: Introduction to Networks (ITN)

  • Configure switches and end devices to provide access to local and remote network resources.
  • Explain how physical and data link layer protocols support the operation of Ethernet in a switched network.
  • Configure routers to enable end-to-end connectivity between remote devices.
  • Create IPv4 and IPv6 addressing schemes and verify network connectivity between devices.
  • Explain how the upper layers of the OSI model support network applications.
  • Configure a small network with security best practices.
  • Troubleshoot connectivity in a small network.


CCNAv7: Switching, Routing, and Wireless Essentials (SRWE) 

  • Configure VLANs and Inter-VLAN routing applying security best practices.
  • Troubleshoot inter-VLAN routing on Layer 3 devices.
  • Configure redundancy on a switched network using STP and EtherChannel.
  • Troubleshoot EtherChannel on switched networks.
  • Explain how to support available and reliable networks using dynamic addressing and first-hop redundancy protocols.
  • Configure dynamic address allocation in IPv6 networks.
  • Configure WLANs using a WLC and L2 security best practices.
  • Configure switch security to mitigate LAN attacks.
  • Configure IPv4 and IPv6 static routing on routers.



 CCNAv7: Enterprise Networking, Security, and Automation (ENSA) 

  • Configure single-area OSPFv2 in both point-to-point and multiaccess networks.
  • Explain how to mitigate threats and enhance network security using access control lists and security best practices.
  • Implement standard IPv4 ACLs to filter traffic and secure administrative access.
  • Configure NAT services on the edge router to provide IPv4 address scalability.
  • Explain techniques to provide address scalability and secure remote access for WANs.
  • Explain how to optimize, monitor, and troubleshoot scalable network architectures.
  • Explain how networking devices implement QoS.
  • Implement protocols to manage the network.
  • Explain how technologies such as virtualization, software defined networking, and automation affect evolving networks.